Junior Tennis
“Our goal is to inspire players to play tennis and empower them with the tools needed to succeed at the level they aspire to reach. Whether you are just giving the game a try as a youngster, picking things up as a teen, or looking for the highest level of competitive training, my staff will make sure your child is on the path for tennis success. We have a wonderful “tennis home” here at RCI where players can flourish no matter their aspiration in the game. No matter your goal, our hope is to create a player that loves the game for a lifetime.”
Robert Chu, Director of Tennis
Adult tennis
RCI boasts the largest selection of training and competition options for all levels of tennis. New players can enjoy a menu carefully crafted to accommodate the most challenging schedules and get you in the game fast. Equally, our advanced player clientele is unmatched in the region and perfect for those who love tennis. No matter your play level our team will get you on the court enjoying the game faster than any club in town.
Raquet Club of Irvine
5 Ethel Coplen Way Irvine, CA 92612